
Saturday, July 28, 2012

SF Renegade Part II - The Haul

While I was sad that there weren't more packaging tables, I was pretty happy that I only spent a total of $20.  Came way under budget!  Don't you love the feeling of always looking on the brighter side?

So here are the goodies I came away with, all purchased from Oh Hello Friend.

Demonstrated lots of self control and only purchased 3 rolls of washi tape!  It was hard because she had so much variety.  I decided to go with some neutral colors because they fit a certain style that I think many of my friends tend to like.  I will be blogging about style/aesthetics soon because I don't know about you, but I am torn between two different styles... which makes it hard for me to focus this blog sometimes.  But I figured there is something for everyone and depending on who I am sending a package or letter or card to, I will be able to create something that will put a nice smile on their face. 

 Such a cute memo pad of airmail designed envelopes that you could tear out and assemble.  Love it!  Will be a cute addition to any letter or package :)

Ok, so I know I'm not the only person who does this and collects a bunch of random pretty papers and cards to add to a paper stash.  I know y'all are crazy paper fiends like me :P

Anyway, a part of all the renegade fun is coming away with so many pretty papers.  So after adding all their etsy/blogs/websites to my readers and favorites,  I will be using them for various embellishments and treats for letters and packages!  


  1. Awesome purchases! ;D Love everything you got and congrats on having had self-control! Sometimes it's so hard not to give in to temptation!

    And I've seen The Future, too, but honestly didn't love it as much as Me & You ...

    Hope your week's off to a great start! ;D

    1. haha, it was hard to have self-control, but felt good to do it!

      Yeah, the future is different than Me & You. I enjoyed both, but in different ways!

      Hope you are off to a great start as well :)

  2. This is such a sweet idea plus its nice to do something that they will like.

    You mentioned you liked the idea on my bubbles blog. Whilst I was creating that one Stephanie was doing a much simpler nicer idea which I may do one day soon as I really like it and it gets straight to the point. I thought you might also prefer to do something like this instead of what I did on such a big scale.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    1. THanks for sharing! Yes, I definitely want to try something like this. This blog is fabulous :)

  3. Oh I love everything! Especially the memo pad! Such a great idea!

    Well done on the restraint! Im always so rubbish but then sometimes I get overwhelmed and dont buy anything haha

    Kat :)

    1. thanks - was hard to restrain :P but yes, i love the memo pad a lot too! It's so cute


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